Monday, March 30, 2009


Chris Fernandez

Monday morning I wake up half alive
I get ready for school
As I got to school I drag myself through the hallway
I get to homeroom and all I hear
OMG! Does are like some nice bracelets, you would not mind if I borrow one
No, she would not mind she won’t even know it was gone
I go up to her and tell her “you can last a day your bracelets” but then
You would need to call me a liar
What are you trying to hide
Do you cut yourself, did you burn yourself or did they beat you
She gave me her bracelets and the next day I gave them back to her
I tell her what was the point of all your bracelets
You have no cuts, bruises, or burns
And I get a one word response


Unknown said...

That was hilarious! Serious yet witty. Me gusta, me gusta y te quiero a todo!

Unknown said...

relly cool poem its funny how it makes you think one thing and then comes out with a totally different...funny thing :)

Yvonne Martinez said...

I really like your poem.It makes many believe the mood is depression and at the ended, but actually it was funny

Recycling For the Better said...

funny but you can do better

jessica said...

Jessica Berrones

When you started out the poem it had a serious tone, although i liked the way you mixed it up in the end. Nice poem.

Unknown said...

i really liked the poem. i liked the ending and the way you made the poem have a different direction

Anonymous said...

OmG i ReAlLy lIkEd uR PoEm iT wAs HiLaRiOuS!!! kEeP It ↑.LOL

priscilla said...

wow!!! dat was an awsome poem! i would have never came up with that idea as poem! good job!

Unknown said...

from kevin v

i really like your poem it is something to actually say lol on but keep workin on it i see somethin in your future with poems