Hello class of 2013.
First of all, welcome to the KIPP Writers House blog. Take a look around and leave comments whenever you want!
This picture was taken early last Sunday morning, the first and last day of the MS 150 ride. You don't know how hard it is to fit 18 bikes in a van.... I certainly know how difficult it is to ride 70 or 80 miles, up and down the hills, with a strong wind in your face. And how nice it feels to finish the ride. I applaud your effort and fundraising for this disease.
Now on to the queston at hand. As we are almost finished with our first research paper, please add a comment below on what you have learned from this process and what specific things helped you get organized in order to write. I am mostly interested in hearing what things you learned that you will continue in writing your big history paper. -Ms. L
I have learned many things and I feel like I've grown so much in writing. I might not be perfect but I sure know that I have improved. I liked when we could researched for information that would help us with our essays.
I also learned how to put my thoughts together to make my essay sound right and with organized ideas.
- Jessica Briseno
I have learned a lot this year avout writing. Actually, this year i have made a huge improvement on how i write from last year. From using templates and being able to write a short 8 sentence paper, this year has been the year i have learned the most in writing.
-Julian Hernandez
Throughout this process I have learned the benifits of having easy access to information. I had to go to great lengths to get my evidence and that made it hard to continue to write.
I learned that you should never get off topic. You must have double the research papers in order to have a certain number of writing paper. Also, use two adjectives and a comma.
Through this year I have improved so much as a writer, although I am not the best I went from low vocabulary to higher vocabulary, using quotes in my essay, researching evidence , using Ms.Lengraf's templates, etc. I've also learned the best way for me as a student in progress to write an essay other than what I have done for the past years during 5,6, and 7. I want to thank you so much Ms.Lensgraf.
- Yvonne Martinez
What i learned from this process you can wait to do your work at the last day. You have to start early to have good work.
i have learned many things in writting my papers many of those is to not use fluf,no no words that just make our papers sound horrible. i have also learned to use vocab so the paper would sound better
-marleny yanez
I have improved a lot in my writing skills throughout this year; from using semi-colons and using better vocabulary, to writing a clear, arguable thesis, this year has been the year that i have clearly seen the most improvement, by far, in my essay writing knowledge.
-Gloria Degracia
i have suffered in writing for so long and i think i have improved but a little by little.i will try to work harder in life to get better
i have done good writing but as a good writer there is always something i have to work on.
This year has brought a big amount of improvement to my writing. I learned how to better format different types of essays and how to be more descriptive in my writing.Also, i learned how to use semi-colons, two adjectives and a comma, and transition words to make my essays sound better.
-Alex Ambriz
This year has definetely been one of the years in which i have actually been challenged as a writer to go above and beyond what i can do. I have had many hard times coming up with topics due to my frequent writer's block and i have had much difficulty understanding how a paper can always be improved and it is never perfect. However, now as a student i recognize i have been given most tools i need in order to make my writing into rich quality pieces. Some of the startegies i have learned are the different templates, healthier vocab., transitions that prevent block writing, words that make the writing dull and should not be used in a paper, different types of sentences, and much more. I have improved significantly since the beginning of the year.
I have learned a lot about writing and why writing is important I never did think that I could write such long papers. Now I'm researching topics and writing/typing papers about it. This years class has also helped me become a better writer by not to filling the paper with fluff.This year was all about writing and becoming a better one.
-Diana Santiago
My stradegy was to get super organized before the actual writing and typing of the research paper.
Keep in mind: I do tend to be very meticulous, I would list out each paragraph needed for the paper and provide a main point and small description for every topic raised.
As for organizing the research, I made boxes (smaller versions of the 8+ research papers we had to fill with sources) to see all the articles and information in one area. I find it easier to gather evidence that way.
The theauraus is a magical tool. Please do use it. It's offered for a reason. :)
Throughtout this year, I gradually learned how to inhance my writing into pieces that would flow rhythmically. Sentence variation is key. Be strong and do not be afraid of confidently setting a concept in your paper.
The hardest part, I would have to say, would be choosing your words wisely so that your message would be cleverly written yet still have all the compnents required to be comprehendable.
to whoever reading these tips, i wish you well. Good luck. There are so many creative methods out there that might be just the thing you need to do your best. Find it. Create it. Try it.
In writting and reareching my research paper I have learned many things such as that evidence is very important. A person should have double the evidence than pages they are going to write. In the future I will be sure to use as many vocabulary words as I can and properly.
I have learned the rough way that it is important to get all of the research done and have not just one draft. I feel like my writing has matured but isn't quite there yet.
Dear Jesus! Writing a research paper is like "fitting a square into a circle" but we persevere and get it done the best that we can. - Jenn I
Through out this year my writing has completely improved. I have learned how to organize my papers with my thesis and how to get a point proven. This will guide me through my high school years mostly at Episcopal. The support givenby the teachers is truly amazing!
Throughout the years, many teachers have tried to increase my vocabulary yet I never realized how important it was to use advanced vocabulary untill Mrs. Lensgraf pushed 2013 to use new vocabulary in every essay, morning work, responce paper, quiz and even sometimes throughout disscusions. Mrs. Lensgraf has pushed us very far to the point of success on our vocabulary. We have gone through struggles and bumps in becoming a greater writer but in the end, we have not only succeded, but also risen higher as people--we have become young mature adults.
-Carla Barrios
I have learned a lot in writing this year. Especially my essays. My writing has improved a great deal and i have learned to write interesting great papers. The outlines have also helped me a lot.
- Mark Rodriguez
At the beggining of the year I really did not care about writing, but as the year passed I realize that if u actually follow the plot of your paper you will actually succed in your paper.
I have also learned if you pick your words carefuly your paper will be a piece of cake.
- Christopher Fernandez
This year I have really grown up as a writter, learning how to choose my words carefuly and using sentence variation. I also learned how to use context and evidence to prove my point and to make an argument, I know that these skills that I have aquired in English class this year will be very important for me in high school. - Saul Pena
This year in writting i have grown into a o.k. writter and even though I need a lot more improvmen especially in my speeling I can know writte a decent paper. My writting will countinue to grow and this yera has realy changed a lot. I have learned to writte with complex words not just simple nouns and abjectives.
I have learned many things this year on writing essays. This year i have learned that using evidence in my paragraphs is the key to a succesful paragraph. The evidence helps you create and support a thesis.
I have leared beyond the amount that i thought was imaginable to me. My writing has gotten stronger, and has added depth to it, yet there will always be room for improvement, and i hope i can learn more in the little time we have left.
My eyes have been open to more then I expected to learn and my thesis has changed from when I started writing because of what I learned from the research. In the beginning i thought it was going to be just a prison gang but it actually goes all the way back to the black panthers
My eyes have been open to more then I expected to learn and my thesis has changed from when I started writing because of what I learned from the research. In the beginning i thought it was going to be just a prison gang but it actually goes all the way back to the black panthers
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