Monday, March 30, 2009

"'Silence is golden'"

Leslie A. Campos

“Silence is golden”
The phrase that has been used so many times
Yet it is such a lie
The words repeatively with no such courage
Though all of it is just word of the mouth
Does the child
Trapped by her father
Self-kept from her mother
Believe silence is golden?
Does the unborn life
Sushed without a choice
Kept from living
Believe silence is golden?
Does the man
Lying on his cardboard bed
With his breath singing loneliness
Believe such a cliché statement?
The words that echo through the wind
Left unnoticed
Are silent
Is “silence is golden”
Would there be a heart beat?
The beat that contains our survival
Like the drums that pound the heart away
If “silence is golden”
Would there be music?
The music everywhere
If it’s not Aerosmith
Or Nickelback
Or simply a child playing with pots and pans
Clink, clank, thump
Making the sound of life
If “silence is golden”
Why would we need words
Why would we need letters
Why would we need
Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X,
Y would we need the alphabet
If my words will only come out like (this)
And my mouth will only be (moving)
If “silence IS golden”
I would be dead
My heart beat
My beat


Unknown said...

Charcer Burks

I really like this poem because I love the fact that you can take something that many people believe in and give a counter argument for it.

Julian Hernandez said...

I really liked this poem. It argues what many dont think about when iit comes to real life situations. Its my favorite poem so far.

Unknown said...

Crystal Flores

This is pne of my favorite poems...i just like it a lot

Unknown said...

This poem is awesome, Its soo cool how you can make some one's mind/thought change; making them think twice and realize what it actually does mean if "silence is golden" and thinking further, beyond those three words.

Unknown said...

This poem expresses different view points to the phrase 'Silence is Golden" and how people use those words see through situations.

Yvonne Pham said...

I was absolutely thrilled to type your poem all out. Gee, Thanks for writing such a long poem by the way. ;) The words you chose to use in this poem was thought-provoking and it's amazing how well you are at doing just that. I don't believe I can write anything that's even close to comparision. You expanded on a thought that not many ...thought... about. This poem reminds me of Georgia O'Keefe's art work: painting an image of a tiny, obsecure piece of a total ojbect, digging into its original form and zooming into a piece that many take for granted. :)

Unknown said...

Great rithmitic poem with wonder use of words. And infact I do agree that silence is not always golden.

Unknown said...

I really like this poem. I like how you went against what people say. Its my favorite poem.
-Yessica Contreras

Yansy♥ said...

Yay Leslie!
Ever since you performed this poem at our grade level poetry slam, I fell in love with it.
You made me think in such a different way than what I was used to. This poem made me appreciate noise. :)
Great Job!