Sunday, March 29, 2009


Ana Reyes

Smiles can represent different emotions in different ways.
Smiles are often used when you wake up on your birthday and your whole family is there singing "Las mallanitas" or "Happy Birthday" to you.
Smiles can be real when wanted
Like when your crush looks straight into your eyes and smiles back at you while your heart is beating 100 times harder than normal.
And smiles can be fake when wanted.
Like when when you don't like one of your family members but your mom tells you to smile and be nice.
You smile when it's Christmas morning and you go downstairs to open up your presents and you see a box with your name on it and open it up and see the game you've been waiting since it came out one month before and you run up to your parents and hug them and say "Thanks you're the best!" and they smile back at you with joy.
Smiles can be sad in a difficult way,
Like sadness hiding deep, deep inside of you.
But all I know is that
You smile,
I smile,
And that we all smile.

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